Welcome to Swechha’s blog.
"If you want to master something, teach it. The more you teach, the better you learn."
-Richard Feynman
Here, I will be sharing my learnings as I explore the world of machine learning/deep learning and some random stuff that I find interesting.
This blog is part of my 2023 goals towards learning and becoming better researcher.
*Work in progress
Transformer Machine Translation
Bigram Neural Network Language Model
Bigram Language Model
NLP from scratch
Text-to-Speech synthesis (TTS): WaveNet to VALL-E
Week-01: Hypercompression for audio
Python Tutorial Series
Reading Deep Learning book (by Bengio et al. 2016)
Solve two coding problems every day of 2023 challenge
Week-00: Attention Is All You Need
Read one paper/blog per week challenge
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